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The Concept Behind Solar Panels

by:KSUNSOLAR     2021-02-09
Solar panels are devices that convert solar energy into electrical or thermal energy.
While most people think this is a new technology, the basic concept has been used to heat water in the home since about a hundred years ago.
Many have announced that solar panels are one of the most potential alternatives to oil and coal power generation, and the use of solar panels has grown steadily as technology continues.
The origin of solar panels dates back to the beginning of 1839, when French physicist Antoine Cesar Baker was in an experiment with an electrolytic battery consisting of two batteries, through the metal electrode in the photovoltaic effect electrolyte solution.
He observed that the output increased when the cells were exposed to light. Around forty-
Four years later, Charles Fritts created the first real solar panel.
His invention was made of a thin layer of gold covered with a layer of selenium.
From then until mid-term
In the 20 th century, many people tried the concept of solar energy.
During this period, a Baltimore inventor named Clarence Kemp applied for a patent for the first Taiwanese to use a solar water heater.
In addition, Einstein wrote and published a paper on photoelectric effects, and won the Nobel Prize in Physics for many years later.
Another contribution was made by William Baili, an employee of Carnegie Steel, who invented the first solar collector to place copper coils in insulated boxes.
Later, American inventor Russell Ohl filed a patent for the first suitable silicon solar cell in 1941 during his work at Bell Labs.
Through this innovation, Bell Labs produced the first polysilicon solar panel in 13 years.
Original quality
The design of the production mode has a 4% efficiency in energy conversion.
The technology has been improving over the years, resulting in at least 6% efficiency for solar panels.
The technology was then used for space missions.
Space satellites are one of the first things to use solar panels in practice.
So far, the United States has begun to produce solar panels with an efficiency of 20%.
Today, Spectrolab and Emcore photovoltaic are leading the world in the production of solar cells with a production efficiency of 28%.
Most solar panels are made of pure silicon, which is a semi-silicon solar panel.
Very suitable conductor for conducting energy.
After removing impurities and foreign substances, silicon is an ideal neutral platform for transmitting electrons.
Since the natural state of Silicon contains four electrons, it can handle four electrons according to modern chemistry.
Once the silicon atoms are combined with another atom, they will share electrons, form a stable molecule containing eight valence electrons, and give it a neutral charge.
This concept is the foundation of modern solar panels.
As an alternative energy source, the application of solar panels on a global scale has advantages and disadvantages.
It is clean and can be used anywhere with enough sun.
However, this is also a disadvantage of it because you need the sun to generate electricity.
Also, since the technology as an independent power supply has not yet become mainstream, it is still expensive.
However, it may be;
Solar panels and other alternatives such as wind turbines and hydrogen fuel cells do have the potential to replace conventional fossil fuels as the main source of energy.
As long as the research and interest in this technology still exists, it is possible!
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